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Glaus Cycling

Discover My Family Roots and Context of My Life

Gilbert Glaus:
Cycling icon of Switzerland, ex-world champion and international cycling champion

Like me, my father is an absolute free spirit and visionary who is deeply connected to his inner truth and knowledge of himself.

Just like me, he has lived his life independently since he was just 9 years old.


Although it was even more unusual for the time and place, the 1960s, in a small farming village in Switzerland called Kerzers, than it is today, he already knew then, as a 9-year-old boy who didn't even own a bicycle, that he wanted to earn his living as a professional cyclist and he prevailed despite all external resistance.

He even predicted at the age of 12 that he would be world champion 10 years later; and as true as it was, he made his prediction come true and became world champion in 1978. The leap into his legendary successful career as an international cycling champion, whose phenomenal performances made him a cycling icon in Switzerland.

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